Our mission is to nurture Nebraska children by helping licensed and legally exempt childcare professionals provide excellent nutrition, a safe environment and high-quality care in their communities. Provider's Network, Inc. supports members with training, tools and resources to help them enhance their service and grow their businesses.
What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?
CACFP provides reimbursement for meals and snacks served to small groups of children receiving residential daycare in private homes that are licensed or legally exempt with the State of Nebraska.
CACFP targets higher levels of reimbursement to low-income areas and to daycare providers and children most in need. The reimbursements make the cost of daycare more affordable for many lower income families.
Health and safety standards, training and monitoring make CACFP an important component of quality childcare, especially in family daycare homes.
Our programs are designed to further our mission and provide much needed services for our constituents.
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“We do children an enormous disservice when we assume that they cannot appreciate anything beyond drive through fare and nutritionally marginal, kid-targeted convenience foods. Our children are capable of consuming something that grew in a garden or on a tree and never saw a deep fryer. They are capable of making it through dinner at a sit-down restaurant with tablecloths and no climbing equipment. Children deserve quality nourishment.”
― Victoria Moran, Lit From Within: Tending Your Soul For Lifelong Beauty

How do I start?
Call us at (402) 464-4335.
Your local Program Advisor will contact you and help you through the licensing process and/or enrollment in the CACFP. (Spanish interpreter available).
Each month you will submit your attendance, meal counts and menus to PNI.
You will receive a monthly cash reimbursement for the creditable meals you served.